WALL part 1
video (1:21:12), screencaps
analogue film photos
An ongoing multi-layered project stemming from an interest in the remaining few fragments of the London Roman wall that encircled and marked the boundary of the city of London, and attempting to trace these Roman ruins through a variety of methods – mapping, walking, photographing. This series marks the beginning of attempting to explore these ideas of fragmentation, ruin, as well as the city as a palimpsest – the historical existing beneath or within the modern day construct of London, as well as the visible archaeology of the city as the layers are collapsed.
video work displayed at LATENT PENDING (2016) exhibition

a performance video in which the artist walks around the perimeter of the City of London with a GoPro, retracing the ancient boundary and observing the collapse of layers with the modern markers today.

screencaps of wall (2016)
analogue film photos taken as research